Digital Logic
Design Resources.
§ Explain
events, transaction, propagation delays and concurrence in digital logic design?
§ Disussion on most common
digital logic signal values.
§ How to add two 1 bit numbers in digital logic? The answer in using a half-adder
§ Add two 1 bit numbers with CARRY
(from previous add operation). Review full-adder circuit.
§ Now lets extend our discussion to multi bit signals.
Design with carry. Or lets say its binary addtion of two 4-bits registers.
§ Interesting, how about a circuit which can act as both adder and subtractor? Access adder-subtractor from here.
§ Another important
topic in logic design is about binary multiplication.
§ As you understand a Flop to Flop path is critical for timing, lets discuss setup time, hold time and metastability.
§ Now lets understand clock domain crossing across two clock damains.
§ Asynchronous FIFO design and depth calculation. Also come up with a FIFO depth formula.
§ Microoperations - Operations
executed on the contents of registers.
§ Micro-ops can be categorized further into following groups.
1. Discussion on Aritmetic Microoperations.
2. Discussion on Logic Microoperations.
3. Discussion on Shift Microoperations.