Verilog testbench Example.

Test Bench to generate 8 bit packets, counter code and case statement usage.

Verilog code for clock domain crossingCDC discussion

// Test Bench to generate 8 bit packets
module tb_c2cross
    (  );
reg clk_1fs, clk_1fs_d;
reg rst_n;
reg writep;
reg [7:0] r_count, count, r_packet_in, packet_in;
reg wr_en, r_wr_en, rd_en, r_rd_en;
reg [1:0] r_rd_count,rd_count;
// Use of initial statement to generate clocks 1fs and 1fs_d

initial begin
     clk_1fs = 0; clk_1fs_d = 0; rst_n = 0;  #100 rst_n = 1;
     forever begin
         #10 clk_1fs = 1;  #11 clk_1fs_d = 1;  #10 clk_1fs = 0; #11 clk_1fs_d = 0; end  end

// Always block to generate synchronous packets in 1fs clock domain
always@(posedge clk_1fs or negedge rst_n)
    if (!rst_n) begin
        r_packet_in <= 'b0; r_count <= 'b0;  r_rd_count <= 'b0;   r_wr_en <= 'b0;  r_rd_en <= 'b0; end
    else begin
        r_packet_in <= packet_in;  r_count <= count + 1 ; r_rd_count <= rd_count + 1 ;
        r_wr_en <= wr_en;  r_rd_en <= rd_en; end end

// Combinational logic to implement case statement to generate packets
packet_in = 'h0; count = r_count;  wr_en = r_wr_en;
rd_count = r_rd_count;
rd_en = r_rd_en;
  if (r_rd_count == 'd3) rd_en = 'd1;
  else rd_en = 'd0;
  case (r_count)
    10 : begin
           packet_in = 'haa;  wr_en = 'b1; end
    11 : begin
           packet_in = 'hbb; wr_en = 'b1; end
    12 : begin
          packet_in = 'hcc;  wr_en = 'b1; end
    13 : begin
          packet_in = 'hdd; wr_en = 'b1; end
    14 : begin
          packet_in = 'hee; wr_en = 'b1; end
    15 : begin
          packet_in = 'hff; wr_en = 'b1;  end
    default: begin
          packet_in = 'd0; wr_en = 'd0;  end
endcase end

// Instance for clock domain crossing
clk_2_cross u_clock_2_cross
  .clk_1fs(clk_1fs), .clk_1fs_d(clk_1fs_d), .rst_n(rst_n), .data_in(r_packet_in), .data_out() );


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