Digital Logic Gates symbols and truth table.

Fundamental Logic Gates in digital electronics. Lets start with truth table for AND, OR, XOR and NOT gates below.

X (input 1)
Y (input 2)
Z (AND out) Z (OR out) Z (XOR out)
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0

Gate 1:-  AND Gate

Description: This gate is fundamental of any operation where output is dependent on product of all binary inputs.

Output = Input1 * Input2 …….. * Input N

Where, outputs and inputs are all in binary values ’1’ or ’0’

Symbol of AND gate below.

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Gate 2:-  OR Gate

Description:  This gate is fundamental of any operation where output is dependent on addition of all binary inputs.

Output = Input1 + Input2 …….. + Input N

Where, outputs and inputs are all in binary values ’1’ or ’0’

Full Adder


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Gate 3:- Exclusive-OR (XOR)

Description:  This gate is fundamental of any operation where output is high only when two binary inputs are different.

Output = (Input1)*(Input2)’ +  (Input1)’ * (Input2)

Where, outputs and inputs are all in binary values ’1’ or ’0’.

Full Adder

Gate 4:-  NOT Gate

Description:  This gate is fundamental of any operation where output is complement of binary input.

Output = (Input)’

Where, output and input is in binary values ’1’ or ’0’

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